Classic ASP Recordset values disappearing…

Or just plain acting strange? Check your connection string. Recently had a Classic ASP site that I was converting from running off of Access to using a SQL2005 database and the values in recordsets were behaving very oddly. Anytime a row column was accessed it would clear the rest of the values. For example, if I called up the value of


Any other fields in that particular row would come up blank. After quite a bit of searching the solution came down to the fact I was using this as my connection string:

Driver={SQL Server}; Server=DBServer; Database=DBName; Uid=DBUserName; Pwd=DBPassword;

Changing the driver portion of the connection string immediately fixed all the strange behaviors I was getting:

Provider=SQLNCLI; Server=DBServer; Database=DBName; Uid=DBUserName; Pwd=DBPassword;